Hebrew University school of Social Work and Social Welfare
Hebrew University school of Social Work and Social Welfare
Type: University
Country: Israel
The Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University is the leader in training and research in the fields of social work and social policy. The main research groups include Israel Gerontological Data Center, Nevet- Greenhouse of Context-Informed Research and Training for Children in Need, The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, The Resilience Research Group. Specifically in the area of resilience where we have created a research group called the Resilience Research group www.huresiliencegroup.com/ to learn more about the factors that promote resilient outcomes in the wake of traumatic events. The Resilience Group is interested in understanding how to foster posttraumatic growth in survivors of trauma. We have multiple projects, domestically and internationally, that focus on understanding what helps individuals, families, and communities do well after adversity.
Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, school of Social Work and Social Welfare, Resilience Research Group. The main role of HU in the BOUNCE project is in mapping out trajectories of resilience among breast cancer survivors (WP2). In addition, HU will run a pilot of breast cancer survivors recruited from Shareh Tzadek hospital, Breast Cancer Center- director Dr. Carmon breast cancer surgeon, Jerusalem and the Rabin Medical Center, breast cancer unit, Dr. Shremmer oncologist (see LoI) (WP6). Finally, it will participate in stakeholder analysis (WP1), monitoring the technical work (WP3) and model definition (WP4) whereas it will actively participate in the evaluation of the results (WP7) and in dissemination/exploitation/communication of project results (WP8).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777167
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