List of scheduled BOUNCE events
The BOUNCE partners seek to actively present the project activities and results to the research and clinical communities by organizing special events, as described by the following list.
Opening event
Where: Helsinki
When: Wednesday, July 10, 2019
The 1st BOUNCE Dissemination Event presenting the BOUNCE project took place at Helsinki on the 10th of July 2019 as off site event of HIMSS Europe 2019 & Health 2.0 2019 Event, providing opportunities for the researchers to engage with different stakeholders and general public. The event consisted of two independent sessions: one with orientation in patients’ perspective, psychological adaptation in cancer and resilience as a concept, and the second session had more technical orientation, concentrating on digital tools in cancer care and research, and modelling the resilience with data.
Also on July 12th 2019, Director Johanna Mattson from HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center and one of the PIs of BOUNCE gave a keynote speech in session engaging all the stakeholders including patients and families at HIMSS.
You can download the Agenda of the event in pdf file format by clicking here.
Second Dissemination Event: Cross-Cultural Perspective on Resilience in Breast Cancer
Where: Beit Maiersdorf, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem
When: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
One of the central issues of all modifiable lifestyle factors in building resilience is the socio-cultural context of the patient. Cultural and religious beliefs concerning the causes and outcomes of breast cancer can have a strong effect on breast cancer patients’ reactions to their illness and for their coping strategies. To introduce this important variable in the evaluation of resilience and the dissemination of the results of BOUNCE, 2 Dissemination events were designed in Jerusalem, Israel, focusing on the cultural elements of resilience and coping.
The event was attended by approximately 98 persons throughout Israel and Palestine, who have signed on via the internet. Our intention is to request permission and create a dynamic end-user group of health professionals from across Israel, who can engage themselves with the development and testing of the BOUNCE instrument.
The very informative and multicultural group of cancer survivors who participated in the round table discussion have given written permission to be taped and video during their discourse. The whole discussion will be examined using grounded theory, aiming at the production of an academic publication with the help of all BOUNCE team members who wish to participate. In addition, the patient messages will be analysed and delivered to the health care system for the potential use of the BOUNCE TOOL.
Since the speakers/participants in the event included mostly academics and NGOs including the Israeli Cancer Society, the possibility of a stronger involvement of Israeli health care professionals will be explored, so that they can take part at all stages of the project
Target audience: International Health and social care professionals, breast cancer patients, patient organizations, researchers, media.
You can download the Agenda of the event in pdf file format by clicking here.

Third Dissemination Event: From resilience predictive model to decision making
Where: Virtual Event organized by the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
When: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
On 23rd of September 2020, the European Institute of Oncology (Milan) will present the third dissemination virtual event of the European Project BOUNCE: Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women to BOUNCE Back.
Italy, Finland, Israel, Greece, and Portugal have been cooperating for 3 years to develop a dynamic, predictive model able to help health care professionals in the medical decision-making process. The model will provide concrete and personalized recommendations regarding patients’ abilities to cope with cancer and contributes to the identification of the best psychosocial support strategies.
In recent years, the scientific literature has been studying the capability to mobilize and use internal and external resources over time in the face of adversity in order to maintain or promote wellbeing. This complex process of successful adaptation to breast cancer and related stressors has been defined as a person’s resilience.
The BOUNCE project has actively contributed to the identification of factors and processes that may predict along the care pathway the patients’ resilience and their wellbeing. The collection of biomedical, psychological and functional data will provide information on which combination of factors undermines the adjustment to cancer, allowing early identification of women at risk.
During the third dissemination annual meeting, the Bounce Consortium will present the advancement in the construction of the predictive model and discuss its utility and future implementation within medical decision-making processes.
All this will occur within the scientific frame of personalized and precision medicine, where biological, psychological, and social factors need to start a conversation with the help of mathematical algorithms.
The aim of the event will be to increase the visibility of Bounce predictive model and to generate interest on and discussion with different stakeholders on its utility and future implementation within medical decision making processes.
Free registration to the following link:
You can download the Agenda of the event in pdf file format by clicking here.
Fourth Dissemination Event of the European Project BOUNCE
Where: Event organized by the Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
When: Friday, October 8th, 2021
On 8th of October 2021, the Champalimaud Foundation will present the 4th virtual dissemination event of the European Project BOUNCE: Predicting Effective Adaptation to Breast Cancer to Help Women BOUNCE Back. An interdisciplinary consortium of experts from Italy, Finland, Israel, Greece, and Portugal was formed in 2017 in response to a HORIZON 2020 call for Personalised Medicine research and innovation solutions.
The product of this collaboration was BOUNCE, a funded project developed to explore factors that influence breast cancer patients’ long-term psychological resilience and their capacity to resume a normal everyday life and work, following breast cancer treatments.
A clinical pilot run in 4 medical centers recruited 817 participants between November 2018 and February 2020. For 18 months, biomedical, psychological and functional data was collected every 3 months in this longitudinal pilot, and as of August 2021, 504 patients have completed the study. With the use of data mining tools and applied machine learning approaches, the project has actively contributed to the identification of factors and processes that may predict the patients’ resilience and their wellbeing, along the care pathway. This model will provide information on which combination of factors undermine the adjustment to cancer, allowing for early identification of women at risk and design of appropriate interventions.
The use of electronic patient reported outcomes in this study was beneficial in allowing participants to track their own wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling deeper self-understanding and empowering patients. The aim of the Bounce 4th dissemination event will be to present some preliminary data achieved form the work so far, as well as to promote awareness of mental health in breast cancer patients, discussing multidisciplinary care path approaches, and the latest biomedical research of depression.
For more information about the event and registration, follow this link:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777167
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