In Helsinki the recruitment process of BOUNCE is nearly finished as the total number of patients recruited for BOUNCE prospective pilot is over 200. The aim of this pilot is to collect an extensive battery of information mainly through NOONA platform about the factors affecting breast cancer patients resilience. Trial nurse Satu Karjalainen has been a keyperson in the recruitment process since after the doctor’s appointment she has introduced the study in detail to the patients as well as assisted patients with the Noona platform. Satu has wide experience about treatment of cancer patients as well as from different sides of cancer research. Her dedication and flexibility to help patients has been of crucial importance to the successful recruitment and follow up.
- Satu what is your impression how does patients and professionals in HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center in general feel about BOUNCE?
“I am happy to tell that, Bounce was well received by both patients and professionals in HUS Comprehensive Cancer Centre. As a University hospital, research is embedded in our tasks and we have continuous interest to develop our treatments and procedures better based on research information. It is necessary to have good cooperation with both patients and professionals and in BOUNCE we have been fortunate to achieve that.” - The battery of questions is quite massive every three months about 100-200 questions, any complaints from the patients?
“It is a quite massive battery to answer and It takes time about 30 to 45 min every three months. Depending on the circumstances, it can feel tough. If you think of the circumstances, just after the surgery and during the treatment period, that our patients have been asked to answer the questionnaires there has been surprisingly few complaints in the beginning.“ - In HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center we have several years of experience of using Noona in the clinic in communication between the patient and professionals but this is the first time that we use it in research to collect specific information outside the clinical Noona. In general how do you see the use of Noona in BOUNCE is there for example a special patient profile that are especially comfortable with such digital tool, any surprises, challenges?
“I feel that for BOUNCE, there is no certain profile, but more of the personal preference in this situation. Whenever you are starting something for the first time, one can expect some challenges. We also have had some technical challenges, but nothing very surprising.“ - The follow up period of BOUNCE is 1,5 years what are the key elements for successful data collection?
“I need to thank for our patients for their dedication and positivity for our research. It is a cornerstone for the well processing project. Their participation is highly appreciated.“ - Finally what are you feelings about BOUNCE?
“I am glad to be working for BOUNCE and I trust that with BOUNCE research data we can create tools to better and more individually support our patients during and after treatments. We will also have more understanding in resilience and the factors affecting it. Hopefully this will have a positive impact on patients wellbeing.”