The first integrated BOUNCE platform was successfully released on M21, featuring the first set of services and features in accordance with the formulated integration strategy and plan, as well as the defined platform release plan. The development of the integrated BOUNCE platform follows an iterative approach which enables the incremental definition of the available platform’s features and offerings which are designed and implemented for each iteration.
In the first version of the integrated BOUNCE platform the main services were implemented with the aim of providing the initial version of the envisioned BOUNCE’s platform functionalities and addressing the needs of the different stakeholder groups identified by the consortium. In accordance with the BOUNCE platform’s architecture, the first integrated BOUNCE platform is composed by a set key services that support the execution of the platform’s operations. The first version of the integrated BOUNCE platform offers a distinct set of functionalities to the healthcare experts and the developer/modeler.
Through the intuitive user interface the healthcare experts are able to perform data exploration and visualization of data and scales. It facilitates the retrieval and visualization of anonymized patient data, as well as data regarding individual scores on each scale and the combination of scores in different biomedical and psychosocial variables. Upon successful login, the healthcare expert is able to retrieve the data of his/her patients. Once the relevant data are retrieved, a set of high-end interactive visualisations are presented to the healthcare expert with which he/she is able to interact and apply different filters according to his/her needs.

On top of that, in addition to the functionalities and services offered to the healthcare experts, the developer/modeler is able to access the platform’s model repository which is responsible for the effective and efficient storage and maintenance of the overall prediction models and the resilience trajectory prediction models of the BOUNCE platform. Upon successful login, the developer/modeler is presented with an extensive list of options in order to create, update or delete statistical, machine learning and mechanistic models. In detail, the developer/modeler is able to create, view or delete a model and a model parameter or property, to upload or download a model’s implementation and to retrieve the list of existing models, parameters and properties.