Electronic personalized medicine applications are rapidly gaining acceptance in clinical practice. One of the BOUNCE partners, Noona Healthcare is designing pioneering applications to help health care professionals and patients towards effective treatment and cancer recovery. The Noona mobile service permits remote monitoring and communication between cancer patients and healthcare professionals. In BOUNCE, however, Noona will not be used for communication between the treatment team and patient but only for the collection of study-relevant information, with the exception of HUS where Noona is an integral part of their clinical practice. Noona is a smart cloud-based mobile solution, supported through a responsive web application, for all smart and standard devices. Noona app is GDPR compliant using encryption and decryption keys for all patient information and gives authorization rights according to user status.
Bounce patients who agree to use Noona receive feedback on their overall psycho-emotional status after filling out platform questionnaires. They receive graphic representations of their scores on “overall distress levels” together with verbal messages. If responses indicate clinically significant levels of anxiety or depressive symptomatology, the patient is encouraged to contact a mental health professional as well as to discuss it with her oncologist.
By Juja Salonen, …. Noona Healthcare, Helsinki, Finland
The BOUNCE prospective clinical study utilizes Noona mobile service for the collection of study-relevant information.
It is a fully responsive web application for all devices, GDPR compliant and with authorization rights according to user status.
BOUNCE patients who agree to use Noona will receive feedback on their overall psycho-emotional status after filling out platform questionnaires. In case of high levels of distress, patients will be encouraged to seek help and discuss the issue with their oncologist.